Saturday, October 25, 2014

Gearing Up!

The holiday season is upon us! Everyone knows a book is a great Christmas gift! I have crates of books ordered, booksignings scheduled, and a load of reds in the washer! I am READY.

Now, all I have to do is get a haircut, so I don't show up looking like nobody's kid, as my momma used to say. And do something about all the papercuts on these hands (side effect of being a gubmint worker).

I'm big into promoting fellow local artists and authors, so I like to link to them on my Facebook and Twitter. Shopping locally does so much for the community. When you buy a piece of someone's work, you are buying their lunch, their lights, and helping keep them going! I know a lot of these folks. This community is teeming with musicians and artists. Please, while we're worrying about what outside companies want to do to our state, consider seeking out a locally-sourced Christmas!


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