Saturday, March 23, 2013


As I explained, I've been a communicator and a storyteller all my life. I come by it naturally, because my family tells fairly famous family legends, over and over. What's a girl to do, but pick that up?

In high school, I was a speaker. In college, I was a speaker, and morphed into an editor when the newspaper needed bodies. Lo and behold, we were getting somewhere on this trek down the highway to fame. I hit the road for radio and BOY! That was fun for awhile. I was in sales, I've worked in a bank and a call center.

I transcribed immigrant interviews at one job, medical interviews at another. A coworker once informed me she couldn't quite "get" me because I "use too many words." Sheesh. It's my Mother Tongue. That kind of hurt. I had avoided the English major in college due to the attitude of the freshman teaching assistant.

I wrote grocery lists, To Do lists, lists of things I wanted to do to my house when I was debt-free, lists of vacations I wanted to take, and lists of cards I should send. I wrote blogs and scrapped them. I wrote poetry and songs. I wrote commercials. I wrote Public Service Announcements and newscasts for seven states and three Canadian provinces.

I started the novel four years ago. I have never considered myself a WRITER until my own mother read six pages of my novel and begged for more.

#somethingaboutsophia #historicalfiction #northdakota

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